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Composting Innovations: Inspiring Ways Businesses Can Tackle Food Waste

Food collected in wire basket

In 2020, the World Food Programme reported that a staggering one-third of all food intended for human consumption across the globe is lost or wasted. This translates to a colossal 1.3 billion tons annually, with an estimated value of around US$1 trillion. Not only does food waste create significant economic loss, all of this discarded and uneaten food severely exacerbates greenhouse gas emissions and could adequately feed two billion individuals. The problem is more pressing than ever, and urgent action is needed. 

The good news? Businesses can help tackle this global issue! Here are some ways businesses can reduce food waste and contribute to a more sustainable planet. 

Pile of compost in outdoor environment

Composting On-Site

Composting, the process by which organic matter decomposes into nutrient-rich soil amendments, is a promising solution to combating food waste. By investing in on-site composting bins or facilities, businesses can divert organic food waste from landfills, which ultimately both reduces greenhouse gas emissions and creates a valuable environmental resource that can be used in local gardens or farms.

Establishing Partnerships with Local Farms

By establishing partnerships or connections with local farms, businesses can reduce their food waste. Instead of disposing of surplus or unsold food, businesses can donate it to farmers, who can use it as animal feed or compost for crops. In return, the farmers can provide fresh produce or other goods to the businesses, giving rise to a sustainable exchange that benefits both parties.

Charcuterie Platter

Collaborating with Organizations that Rescue Food Waste

Collaborating with organizations like local food banks, food pantries, and soup kitchens allow businesses to significantly reduce their food waste. By “rescuing” food waste, these organizations turn food waste into nutritious food that supports undernourished individuals and simultaneously reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Click here to find a food waste rescue organization near you!

Implementing Employee Engagement Programs

Businesses can empower their employees to participate in food waste reduction efforts through education and awareness campaigns. By providing training on proper food storage, portion control, composting practices, and other related areas, companies can foster a culture of sustainability within their workforce and reduce food waste. 

Businesses have so much potential to reduce food waste and promote a healthier, more sustainable planet! By composting on-site, establishing partnerships with local farms, collaborating with organizations that utilize food waste, and implementing employee engagement programs, businesses can do their part in helping us work towards a more resilient and equitable food system for future generations. 

To learn about food waste and composting, check out our other blogs and consider attending a community workshop


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